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Dream Carver

From G. A. McKevett, author of the beloved Savannah Reid Mysteries, comes a rich, epic tale of Ireland during her darkest days. The world named the catastrophe “The Irish Potato Famine.” The children of Éire simply called it “The Great Hunger.” But amid that terrible darkness, the light of hope burned in a man determined to fulfill his destiny.
Despite the betrayals of those dearest to him and the sorrows overwhelming his precious Ireland, Michael McKevett continued to carve. With scarred, bloodstained hands, he created beautiful carousel horses that swept his troubled neighbors away, if only for a moment, into the Land of the Ever Young. But could Michael keep his dream and his family alive long enough for the sunlight to return?
Originally published over 30 years ago, this story of love, courage, and the strength of the human spirit remains McKevett’s finest work.
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